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Hawaii Kai, HI, U.S. Outlying Islands

Sonntag, 9. Mai 2010

Facebook and StudiVZ-distraction since 2004

Unfortunately, if they are on, I just can’t resist the temptation!. It is distracting people since 2004.
The social networking sites facebook and StudiVZ (german form of facebook). People who tell they only spend time on facebook better dont move to germany and open up facebook in red, the german StudiVZ, which is basically the same thing, just double the time you spend there and stalk around!
It was not until 2005 that Facebook became available to high schools. The guaranteed security of Facebook was reassuring (and it was free). I was sold, subsequently became addicted, and was instantly supplied with a focal point for distractions.
Facebook continued to consume people's ability to focus by expanding in 2006 when it granted anyone access above the age of 13 who had a valid e-mail address. Now you did not have to even go to school to become perpetually distracted.
As all Facebook users know, the relatively new feature of being able to chat with friends who are also logged on their Facebook pages creates the problem of having close to one hundred people to chat with every time you login. Now you can hop on to distract yourself with your friend's pictures or posts and there is a chance that you can end up talking to three to four people while you are browsing aimlessly and clumsily through endless walls and pages.
And even worse - Facebook does not just have to stay on your computer; you can take it with you on a Blackberry or an iPhone. Most of the time, it pulls your eyes and brain away from class and conversations. However, it is undeniably a great feeling when you have notification or friend requests, or even meaningless group requests. Because it keeps us busy and you dont even have to think about any complicated things. The perfect escape from the real world.
My question would be: Is there any way out? Will we ever be able to resist the distraction and actually start focusing on things in life that matter?

New security plans for 2010 World Cup

The South African Police Service unveiled plans to MPs today detailing how they aim to keep South Africa safe before and during the 2010 World Cup. The plans include the use of fighter jets, border patrols and security guards for each team.

The plans were put forward to the portfolio committee by Police Lieutenant General Andre Pruis. He also told parliament of the newly established Intelligence Co-ordinating Committee (ICC) - set up to work closely with foreign intelligence agencies and how they were prepared for any threatThe plans are extensive. fighter jets will be used to clear airspace before, during and after every match throughout South Africa and there would be a number of no fly zones in South Africa for the duration of the World Cup.

Cruise ships are also going to be escorted into South Africa from 12 nautical miles off the coast and trains coming into South Africa from neighbouring countries would also be monitored.
Pruis also confirmed that the police's Special Task Force, the Defence Force Special Forces, the Bomb Squad and the National Intervention Unit would be on standby at each game, with the defence force's Seven Medical Battalion ready to deal "with any possible chemical, biological and radiological threat".

Inside the stadiums will also include public order police, local and foreign security spotters and private security firms but the stadium security doesn't end there. Ten kilometre cordons would also be set up around stadiums with emphasis on on preventing domestic extremism including strike action and service delivery protests.

Each country has also been assigned a dedicated security liaison officer and the safety of each team is of huge importance. The ICC has been in communication with intelligence agencies and police in each country and a police member will 'co-ordinate all security activities of each team'.

Profiles have been created for each team and the team hotel. Routes to and from the stadiums with 'safe haven's have been drawn up and every potential threat has been anticipated.

Bottom line; South Africa should be safe and the eyes of thousands will be on you wherever you go in South Africa and if you are ever unsure - just look up and wave as South Africa will also be using quite a few satellites to keep an eye on things too.

Samstag, 8. Mai 2010

Future Journalism


Check out this documentary, it tells a lot about journalism in the near future!
Speaking at The Nation/Campus Progress annual Student Journalism Conference, a range of student journalists reflect on the future of media. Where is journalism headed? What trends and technologies are changing the game? And with print in peril, is a career in journalism still worth it? Students from all over the country give their view of the changing media landscape, and the efficacy of current "J-School" curricula.

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010

The NEW iPhone 4G in JULY 2010

I bought my Iphone in February 2008 and I gotta say: Now its starting to act weird. Ok I have to say, I dropped it a couple times and it looks very used now. But since a year my Iphone acts like an old computer, shutting down all of the sudden, the display has some issues with growing lines and it got slower over the years.

Now I am waiting to get the new Iphone in july. Lots of speculation is going around on the new iPhone 4g... in HD!! Official features will be revealed at the WWDC conference this June.

Verizon Wireless is currently testing a CDMA version of the iPhone 4G and Verizon confirms they are making network changes to bring the iphone to their network. The new iPhone 4g is going to be loaded with awesome new features like video chat, multi-tasking and extreme downloading.

But should I keep going with my at&t rate plan or should I switch to Verizon?
I recently got upset with at&t because their coverage is very bad.

Will see what verizon has to offer once it comes out.

Here is a preview on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTASTyPd1gY&feature=related