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Hawaii Kai, HI, U.S. Outlying Islands

Sonntag, 9. Mai 2010

Facebook and StudiVZ-distraction since 2004

Unfortunately, if they are on, I just can’t resist the temptation!. It is distracting people since 2004.
The social networking sites facebook and StudiVZ (german form of facebook). People who tell they only spend time on facebook better dont move to germany and open up facebook in red, the german StudiVZ, which is basically the same thing, just double the time you spend there and stalk around!
It was not until 2005 that Facebook became available to high schools. The guaranteed security of Facebook was reassuring (and it was free). I was sold, subsequently became addicted, and was instantly supplied with a focal point for distractions.
Facebook continued to consume people's ability to focus by expanding in 2006 when it granted anyone access above the age of 13 who had a valid e-mail address. Now you did not have to even go to school to become perpetually distracted.
As all Facebook users know, the relatively new feature of being able to chat with friends who are also logged on their Facebook pages creates the problem of having close to one hundred people to chat with every time you login. Now you can hop on to distract yourself with your friend's pictures or posts and there is a chance that you can end up talking to three to four people while you are browsing aimlessly and clumsily through endless walls and pages.
And even worse - Facebook does not just have to stay on your computer; you can take it with you on a Blackberry or an iPhone. Most of the time, it pulls your eyes and brain away from class and conversations. However, it is undeniably a great feeling when you have notification or friend requests, or even meaningless group requests. Because it keeps us busy and you dont even have to think about any complicated things. The perfect escape from the real world.
My question would be: Is there any way out? Will we ever be able to resist the distraction and actually start focusing on things in life that matter?

New security plans for 2010 World Cup

The South African Police Service unveiled plans to MPs today detailing how they aim to keep South Africa safe before and during the 2010 World Cup. The plans include the use of fighter jets, border patrols and security guards for each team.

The plans were put forward to the portfolio committee by Police Lieutenant General Andre Pruis. He also told parliament of the newly established Intelligence Co-ordinating Committee (ICC) - set up to work closely with foreign intelligence agencies and how they were prepared for any threatThe plans are extensive. fighter jets will be used to clear airspace before, during and after every match throughout South Africa and there would be a number of no fly zones in South Africa for the duration of the World Cup.

Cruise ships are also going to be escorted into South Africa from 12 nautical miles off the coast and trains coming into South Africa from neighbouring countries would also be monitored.
Pruis also confirmed that the police's Special Task Force, the Defence Force Special Forces, the Bomb Squad and the National Intervention Unit would be on standby at each game, with the defence force's Seven Medical Battalion ready to deal "with any possible chemical, biological and radiological threat".

Inside the stadiums will also include public order police, local and foreign security spotters and private security firms but the stadium security doesn't end there. Ten kilometre cordons would also be set up around stadiums with emphasis on on preventing domestic extremism including strike action and service delivery protests.

Each country has also been assigned a dedicated security liaison officer and the safety of each team is of huge importance. The ICC has been in communication with intelligence agencies and police in each country and a police member will 'co-ordinate all security activities of each team'.

Profiles have been created for each team and the team hotel. Routes to and from the stadiums with 'safe haven's have been drawn up and every potential threat has been anticipated.

Bottom line; South Africa should be safe and the eyes of thousands will be on you wherever you go in South Africa and if you are ever unsure - just look up and wave as South Africa will also be using quite a few satellites to keep an eye on things too.

Samstag, 8. Mai 2010

Future Journalism


Check out this documentary, it tells a lot about journalism in the near future!
Speaking at The Nation/Campus Progress annual Student Journalism Conference, a range of student journalists reflect on the future of media. Where is journalism headed? What trends and technologies are changing the game? And with print in peril, is a career in journalism still worth it? Students from all over the country give their view of the changing media landscape, and the efficacy of current "J-School" curricula.

Donnerstag, 6. Mai 2010

The NEW iPhone 4G in JULY 2010

I bought my Iphone in February 2008 and I gotta say: Now its starting to act weird. Ok I have to say, I dropped it a couple times and it looks very used now. But since a year my Iphone acts like an old computer, shutting down all of the sudden, the display has some issues with growing lines and it got slower over the years.

Now I am waiting to get the new Iphone in july. Lots of speculation is going around on the new iPhone 4g... in HD!! Official features will be revealed at the WWDC conference this June.

Verizon Wireless is currently testing a CDMA version of the iPhone 4G and Verizon confirms they are making network changes to bring the iphone to their network. The new iPhone 4g is going to be loaded with awesome new features like video chat, multi-tasking and extreme downloading.

But should I keep going with my at&t rate plan or should I switch to Verizon?
I recently got upset with at&t because their coverage is very bad.

Will see what verizon has to offer once it comes out.

Here is a preview on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTASTyPd1gY&feature=related

Dienstag, 27. April 2010

All-girl Stunt team claims first place

The Team USA All-Girl Cheer Team, which includes Hawai‘i Pacific University cheerleaders Lauren Loeb, Emily Myers, Savanna Sibley, Heather Turner, Chelsey Kannan, Stephanie Bibby, Brittany Barry, and Ashley Lewis, took first place world title at the 2010 International Cheer Union (ICU) World Championship in Orlando, Fla.

As Team USA’s contenders in the All-Girl Group Stunt competition, HPU’s All-Girl Stunt Group took first place. The stunt group consisted of Sibley, Myers, Loeb, and Turner.

“Winning the Gold for the All-Girl Premier was an amazing feeling,” Sibley said. “I can’t even begin to explain the emotions that were going through my head. This has not only been an experience of a lifetime but it is something I will carry with me as one of my greatest accomplishments. It consisted of a long and strenuous two weeks but now with it all said and done, it has been more than worth it.”

HPU Cheerleaders were specifically selected and invited to be part of the 24-member Team USA to represent the United States at the ICU World Championship. Cheerleaders from all over the U.S. are represented on Team USA. The ICU World Championship showcases the top cheerleaders from more than 60 nations from all continents.

HPU has long been known for having the most outstanding Division II Cheer and Dance teams in the nation. Immediately following the 2010 National Cheerleaders Association (NCA) and National Dance Alliance (NDA) Championships in Daytona Beach, Fla., on April 9, the HPU Cheerleaders traveled to Georgia and practiced for two weeks prior to the ICU competition on April 23 in Orlando.

The HPU Large Co-ed Cheer Team has won eight straight national titles (2003-2010). The HPU Small Co-Ed Cheer Team has won four consecutive national titles (2005-2008). The HPU All-Girl Cheer Team won its first national title at the 2009 competition. The HPU Dance Team has won five consecutive championships, totaling six titles overall (2004, 2006-2010).

Dienstag, 20. April 2010

Homeless plan splits community

Students attending the HPU Downtown Campus know about those people who hang out all day at Fort Street Mall with no place to go: The homeless. They ask for money and they seem to need help to get off the street.

The City of Honolulu and the Catholic Church are backing “The River Street Project” under the concept of “Housing First” for homeless.

They plan a 100-unit residence on city property, at River Street and Vineyard Boulevard, three blocks from the HPU campus.

The project would provide permanent shelter to homeless people with mental illnesses or drug problems and provide treatment. About 60 units would go to the homeless and 40 to the mentally ill.

The project has generated strong community opposition. About 200 Chinatown residents showed their opposition to the project at a March 28 rally.

On April 25, a rally will be held to support the project, starting at the Lady of Peace Cathedral on Fort Street Mall at 1 pm. The rally will start with a prayer service and then participants will march to the River Street site.

“I would encourage everyone who cares about homeless people in Hawai‘i to come to this rally to show their support for a “Housing First” River Street Residences, solution which has proven to work in helping homeless people get off the street and become stabilized,” said Marya Grambs, Executive Director of Mental Health America of Hawai‘i.

Supporters say this kind of project has helped homeless in Seattle and other big cities on the mainland, but many in the Downtown and Chinatown communities strongly oppose the plan.

“It is the right project in the wrong place,” said Victor Lim, owner of McDonalds on Fort Street Mall and chairman of Fort Street Mall Business Improvement District, adding: “This particular area has a lot of churches, and schools with young children”.

Since the medical treatment for the homeless in the planned apartments is strictly voluntary, people in and around Chinatown are concerned about their safety. Lim suggests building those units rather in industrial areas to not attract even more homeless people to downtown that could lead to increasing crime.

“There are security issues involved,“ says Karl Rhoads, State Rep for D-28th (Pālama, Chinatown, Downtown).

Patrick Downes from the Catholic church of Honolulu, who supports the project, said:

“This project will actually make the situation safer. Homeless people who are already sitting on the sidewalks will be put in residences and get

Sonntag, 18. April 2010

Ash cloud in Europe- millions of air travellers stranded across Europe

When I was reading the news a few days ago about the vulcano erruptions on iceland, I wasnt worried at all. As long as nobody gets in trouble due to lava I thought there wont be any affection.

Now, I am actually concerned by only this ash cloud. It pretty much is the reason why thousands of flights from and to Europe were cancelled and millions of air travellers stranded across Europe.

Europe's three biggest airports -- London Heathrow, Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Frankfurt -- were closed by the ash, leaving passengers stranded across the world as a global flight backlog built up.

My friend from Germany who is visiting right now and was supposed to fly out from Honolulu to San Francisco with a connection flight to Frankfurt, Germany, was not possible. Also some of my friends in South Africa are stranded or can not get a flight from Spain back to Berlin.

It is the biggest airspace shutdown since World War II, air traffic had controllers warned that the cloud was likely to cause fresh travel disruption.

Justifying the widespread airport closures aviation officials have explained that airplane engines could become clogged up and stop working if they tried to fly through the ash.

Even our German Chancellor Angela Merkel was stranded in Lisbon, Portuguese President Anibal Cavaco Silva in Prague and a UN Security Council delegation cancelled a trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo that would have flown out of Paris.

Montag, 12. April 2010

Hawaiian Airlines-not possible for foreigners?

I recently wanted to purchase tickets to Phoenix for less money than with Continental Airlines. It was at least 200 dollars cheaper than the price that Continental offered me.
The bad surprise: I was not able to pay with my credit card. Well, only with my "hawaiian" credit card.
Hawaiian Airlines does NOT accept international credit cards. So if you are a tourist, a non-citizen or just someone who does not own a hawaiian bank account means you can not fly with this airline??

The solution for me: Go to an atm mashine, get cash for a horrible price because the atm mashines charge you a lot of money each time you want to get a certain amount of money. Its not only the two dollars, I pay an additional fee of 6 Euro (9 DOllars) each time I get 200 dollars (sometimes at certain places 400 if Im lucky)

So I had to carry this huge amount of cash to Bank of Hawaii to deposit this money to finally be able to pay for my flight reservation from Honolulu to Phoenix.

Why do they make it so hard?
Why cant you just use your regular international credit card?
I am sure Hawaiian Airlines would be more succesful with being a little more flexible.

Dienstag, 6. April 2010

River Street Project Support

The River Street Project Rally is starting on April 25th on Fort Street Mall in front of the chapel at 1:30pm. I will give a short preview soon. Basically it is planned to build up apartements for homeless people in Downtown Honolulu and Chinatown. The city wants to build the 10-story facility on a lot next to Tin Hau Temple on River St., complete with 100 long-term rental units. About 60 units would go to the homeless and 40 to the mentally ill.There will be several reactions to this from both sides, for and again st the project. More information to follow...

Samstag, 13. März 2010

Facts about me

I graduated from Ostsee-Gymnasium Timmendorfer Strand,
Germany in 2007, before starting an internship at the German
GOLFmagazin and attending college at Hawaii Pacific University.
At college, I got an academic scholarship and a journalism
scholarship from the student newspaper Kalamalama, where I write
articles and improve my journalism skills in English.
I will be graduating with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and
visual communication after the spring 2011 semester.

During my internship at the German GOLFmagazin, which now has
developed to freelance, I began writing a variety of
stories and translated articles from our partner GolfDigest from
English to German. I have also worked for the Internet media and
published my own articles at their Internet page.
I learned how to design pages with Quark Xpress and

At the Hawaii Pacific Student Newspaper Kalamalama I wrote
articles in English for the sports section and became sports section
editor as well as associate editor. I worked with Typeset, InDesign and was involved in production. I improved my English skills as well as my journalism skills. Another important aspect was, that I learned how to place and work on photos with Adobe Photoshop CS3. I took my own photos for the German magazine and published them also online.

Through my experiences, I have become adept in a variety of
software, including PageMaker, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign and
InCopy, Final Cot Pro, Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and
Quark Xpress.

My goal is to become a well-rounded journalist and work as a
correspondent for an international newspaper or news channel. I
have enrolled in a photojournalism class and an advanced video
production class to help me improving my skills and flexibility.

Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2010

Interview with Andrea Vold

At Hawaii Pacific University, “Norwegian girls” are known as girls with blonde hair, a pretty face and a smart character. One of those is Andrea Vold, who was born in Hamar, Norway, in 1988. Today we are going to introduce Andrea, who is currently a journalism student and taking the class “Writing for the new Media”.

Andrea, what was the reason you chose Hawaii as a place for going to school?

“I am not a winter person. The weather in Norway is not as good as in Hawaii and you easily can get depressed. Furthermore, I was always interested in English as a language and being far away from home is a great opportunity to build up your own life.”

As far as being far away from home, how do you communicate with your parents and your younger brother?

“Skype is great, I use it a lot. And since my little brother and I are not living together anymore, we are growing closer and became very good friends over the distance. Of course I miss my parents, we have a very good relationship. Both of them are like my best friends.”

How about the European culture? Are there differences and do you miss being home?

“I definitely miss the European culture. I really enjoy being there. In the United States, everything is very structured with perfect lines, same streets, same locations and restaurants… I love the individual little street cafés with some sort of character. “

So do you want to move back to Europe after your studies or would you rather try to find a job in the United States?

“I am still undecided about what I am going to do after school. But I would like to stay in the US. I would love to work in Los Angeles or New York. Hawaii is a little too small for me. My passion and hobby is photography, especially black and white. Maybe I can use this to find a job. I would love to work for a magazine, where I don’t have to deal daily deadlines and can focus on a longer project.

In what other hobbies do you have and what else are you interested in?

“I always tried something else. I love modern dancing, ballet, playing flute or gymnastic. As a creative person I am very interested in fashion, photos and design.”

Is there anything that could a confident person like you bring out of action or frighten you?

“Birds! I am terrified by birds. I used to love them but I made bad experiences with them and especially I’m scared of pigeons. These would definitely put me out of action.”

Andrea, we hope this will never going to happen. Thank you for sharing your interests and awesome plans with us. You surely will be a successful photographer after your studies and hopefully you will find the right place to live and to work on your dreams.

Dienstag, 9. Februar 2010

Gigapan ideas, group work

Our ideas for gigapan are:

Mountain range from Kaneohe
Hawaii Loa Campus
Kaneohe bay
Kailua Beach Park

Susanne, Matt and Chris

Dienstag, 2. Februar 2010

Act of War: The Overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation

Most people believe that Hawaii is a state, one of the United States of America. Most people, including those who live in Hawaii, accept that statement as a fact. What most people forgot or never realized is, that Hawaii was illegally overthrown and its monarchy endet in 1893. That, unfortunately, was not the only thing they lost.

The illegal U.S. annexation impacted the whole native Hawaiian perspective. This film is a chilling account of an episode of U.S. history that has been largely forgotten by most mainland Americans.

After watching the documentary "Act of War" you get the idea of what really happened in 1893 and how troops from the U.S.S. Boston landed at Honolulu in support of a treasonous coup d'etat against the constitutional sovereign of the Hawaiian Kingdom, Queen Lili'uokalani.

Taking away their monarchy, as a part of their history, was a big step into a new civilization. Many Hawaiians suffered and the native population was going down dramatically.
Although the new civilization brought some benefits, such as investors, schools, health care and becoming a member of the United States, many Hawaiians never experienced one of these advantages. The new education system for example made natives rather "uneducated" and it was hard for them to identify themselves with this new way of life.

They had to learn a different language and culture, which had clearly nothing to do with their own habits. Native Hawaiians got forced to accept the new foreign culture.

The film also makes excellent use of still photos, film footage, artwork, and reenactments, and the moment-by-moment accounts and quotes read from diaries, letters, and press reports add to the realism of this historical event.

Today, Hawaiians are trying to keep their language, culture and landscape alive, which once was overtaken by Americans. Hawaiian is tought in universities, schools and institutions - A great way to keep Hawaii´s spirit alive!